How do you use the emulator?
The emulator has 2 modes of operation, The first "Database Mode" is the default mode that the emulator uses when loading/refreshing the page, The second mode is "Advanced Mode" that is available after pressing the Config button.
Database Mode: This is the mode to use when just wanting to play a 1P game or a demo without having to set anything up, Just select what you want to run and select your input control/keys or use default (arrows/shift/ctrl) and press start, The emulator will select the system type, rom etc..
Advanced Mode: In this mode you can also select games/demos from the database but you are also able to change emulator settings such as system type, cpu, ram, rom, video, audio & ports, You can also load/mount your own amiga files and your own roms.
* When you have previously loaded a game/demo in database mode then change to advanced mode your previous selection is remembered so the previous system used will be preselected and the previous game (adf/hdf) will remain mounted.
* While in advanced mode if you click/tap on the amiga logo at the top of the workbench screen you will be prompted with a warning that you will loose your current settings and if you confirm will be returned to the database screen.
* If you wish to play a 2 player game you will need to switch in to advanced mode goto ports and change the mouse control to a joystick for control pad etc.. or emulated to set keyboard keys for player 2.
* If you are running a game that use's multiple disks while in database mode it will only mount the first disk on df0 the rest will be in the disk changer list and when selected will mount the chosen disk to df0.
After running a game in database mode and then going into advanced mode if you re-run the game it will mount the first 4 disks on df0 to df3, If the game you are playing reads disks from external drives df1 to df3 this will save a bit of disk swapping if the game does not read from external drives you can still load the required disk into df0 from the disk changer list, also if the game has more than 4 disks disks 5+ will be required to be loaded to df0 from the disk changer list.
On occasion when using multiple drives a game might ask for you to insert the next disk (disk 5+) into the last drive used (df3) this is not possible as the disk changer only mounts to df0, in this case you should manually disable/eject drives df1 to df3 when entering advanced mode after running a game in database mode.
Information & Credits
This emulator is a modified version of Scripted Amiga Emulator available HERE created by Rupert Hausberger.
Why create this site?, As mentioned above I have always had love for the amiga system and was inspired by the work being done over at to preserve and make available classic games, software, music, movies and more.. Their site is well worth a visit and if you are able to donate it is certainly a worthy cause.
Thanks fly out to: Rupert Hausberger for creating this amazing pure JS emulator, WinUAE team for creating probally the best amiga emulator available from which SAE has been partially ported.
Software names, logos, icons, etc. specific to the Amiga system are either registered trademarks or trademarks of C-A Acquisition Corporation/Cloanto and/or its affiliates.


No Kickstart ROM's or Workbench files are stored on this site/server, a reverse proxy script is used to fetch these files (all kickstart roms aswell as adf/hdf files prefixed with [PRX]) from a list of multiple public sources picking a link at random for each request without ever being saved/downloaded to this site/server and redirecting the file to the user.
Thus acting as another point of access to pre-existing files stored on other public servers that have no affiliation or relation to this site or persons who operate this site or server.
This can cause a small delay while the reverse proxy checks for working links for the chosen file.